Our Approach

We focus on your specific neurological health to help you become the best version of you!

Making a difference in your family’s lives, don’t cha’ know.

We use a number of highly effective, heavily researched adjusting techniques to improve the health of your spine and nervous system. Dr. Marcus is trained in both manual and instrument based techniques which allows us to best serve you and your family. The approach we use is based on your specific situation and health goals.

Pediatric Chiropractic - Family Chiropractor

Torque Release Technique

Torque Release Technique is the most up-to-date, scientifically researched technique available. It incorporates 7 of the top techniques in chiropractic to determine areas of tension along the spinal cord. TRT focuses on the vital connection points between the spinal cord and vertebra. By gently adjusting these areas, we are able to change the degree of tension on the central nervous system allowing optimal communication from the brain to the rest of the body. TRT helps improve your overall “state of well being”. With this, practice members notice less pain along with improvement with anxiety, digestion, sleep, addiction and so much more! A major bonus of TRT is it’s gentle approach.

Torque Release Technique - Family Chiropractor

Webster Technique

Subluxations in the sacrum and pelvis are extremely common during pregnancy as the baby is growing and developing. Improper function can interfere with the babies ability to assume a normal head-down position as well as cause discomfort for mom throughout pregnancy. The Webster Technique is a system of analysis and adjusting which helps correct subluxations in the sacrum and pelvis leading to improved nerve function to the reproductive organs, less aches/pains and optimal space for baby to grow, develop and pass through during the birthing process. The Webster Technique helps moms have a more enjoyable pregnancy and helps baby have the smoothest birthing process possible!

Webster Technique - Family Chiropractor

Diversified Technique

Diversified technique uses specific, manual adjustments to the spine or extremity joints. The direction, angle, depth and torque used is based on a thorough analysis and understanding of spinal mechanics. Certain adjustments may produce an audible “popping sound” as fluid pressure changes in the joint capsule; however, an audible pop has no significance as to the effectiveness of the adjustment. While improving spinal mechanics can reduce nervous system interference, virtually all joints of the body can be adjusted to help restore proper range of motion and decrease pain.

Low Back Adjustment - Family Chiropractor

How is your nervous system functioning?

CLA Insight Scans - Family Chiropractor

Nervous System Evaluation

At Sota Chiropractic, we use state-of-the-art technology to better understand the cause of your health concerns.

The Space Foundation certified Insight Millennium establishes a reliable, quantitative, objective depiction of your neurological health– something never before possible.

This information allows us to better understand your state of health, give the best recommendations for care and track how your body is responding and adapting to the adjustments.

Ready to get started?


We use 3 different NASA certified technologies to evaluate how your nervous system is function.

Nervous about some adjustments at the chiropractor? There are alternatives for you.

live the life you want to live!

Find out more about how our caring team can support you and your family in achieving the life you want.

“While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment”

— Dr. B.J. Palmer